Saturday, November 19, 2011

The 21st Amendment

The 21st amendment and the 18th amendment are connected in a way becuase they both deal with alcoholic beverages.  The 18th banded alcoholic beverages from the United States.  The 21st repealed that amendment and mandated nationwide prohibition.  The amendment was ratified on December 5th, 1933.  Only eight of the fifty states did not rayify.  These States were Nebraska, Kanas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana, North and South Dakota, and Georgia.  Pennsylvania ratified for all the amendments that change social values.

There were three main quotes that I have pulled out of the Constitution.  In the Constitution Congress has written, "The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the Unites States is hereby repealed."  When Congress wrote this, they have taken out the 18th amendment that stated alcohol is illegal in the United States.  Therefore no selling or importation of the product.  With that amendment gone, Congress wrote, "The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited." This quote aloows people to go against the 18th amendment and be allowed to consume alcohol.  When the quote says, " in violation of laws, is hereby prohibited."  This part of the quote is the most important.  This can be hard to understand, but it means that you are allowed to break the law.  It references to the 18th amendment, you are allowed not to follow it.  The final quote from the Constitution about the 21st amendment is, "This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission here of to the States by the Congress."  In every amendment, Congress states that the amendment that has just been ratified can be changed.  In this case, Congress says the amendment can be changed if the several states hold conventions.  Congress gives the amendment seven years to be changed from the date of submission.

 By Ratifying the 21st amendment, it was the first amendment to nullify another admendment.  Together, the 21st and 18th admendment changed the way the United States manufactured and sold alcoholic beverages.  With the 21st amendment in power, it changes the overlook of alcohol America use to have on it.  Alcohol consumption will forever be allowed from state to state.  With in the National Governemtn there is something called, " Checks and Balances".  With alcohol legal,  it allows the checks and balances system to legally and wisley distributed alcoholic beverages.  This impact it has on the United States is not as bad as the other amendments.  This amendment eaches Americans to use the beverage wisley and teachs responsibility.  On the other hand, there are people that abuse the product, and results in drunk driving.  This amendment has its positves and negitives. 


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